DEAR Project - 

protecting Lunar Space hardware from the Moon's dust 

- European Space Agency -

DEAR dusty environment application research: project aiming to study the risk of handling and operating mechanism in dusty environments

Interest in lunar exploration has regained thrust in recent years around the world. ESA, NASA, the private industries and the academic sector strive to explore the Earth’s satellite with ambitious new technologies. However, the hostile environment of the Moon, in particular the lunar dust, is a serious challenge. Being highly abrasive, electrically chargeable and potentially chemically reactive, lunar dust poses a high risk on the performance of any hardware on site operations. Thus, the target of the ESA funded DEAR project is to systematically evaluate potential performance risks on fundamental necessary components like optical sensors, mechanisms, seals and thermal control. 

Within different test scenarios, potential aging is measured, the transport of regolith is studied and simulated. Based on the results, cleaning strategies are developed, tested and evaluated. The baseline is a variety of different dust and regolith simulates like TUBS. Results shall support input to requirements justification and later verification. Some of the experimental results help to better address raw material mining, preprocessing and transport mechanisms, functionality and lifetime. Furthermore, design guidelines and safety handling considerations for on-ground Regolith handling are developed.

The presentation introduces the international team approach led by Microelectronica and OHB with the partner Uni Dublin, Uni Norway, OeWF, Fraunhofer IST and Uni Hawaii. Simulation studies, test setups and first results are presented in the talk. 


Hyperspectral cameras designs and constraints for small satellite private EO missions: perspectives for coastal water quality monitoring applications and markets, the ENTRUST mission case

40 ani de Microelectronica

Executed Research Projects 


1_2003 NATO SfP 974054, Zirconia Nanomaterials for Sensors, Project

Nanomateriale pe bază de zirconiu pentru senzori

Development of zirconia based nanomaterials for application using electrochemical and mechanical properties NATO SfP 974054. The main objective of the proposed project consists in the development of novel routes for the generation of nanostructured YSZ and zirconia based nanostructured materials with controlled electrochemical and mechanical properties for oxygen and pressure sensors.


2_2005 CEEX National Research – MAFERO, Project

Implementarea unei platforme tehnologice pentru industria manufacturieră

Implementing a Technology Platform on future manufacturing based on the improvement of the research (knowledge driven industry) and join the ETP MANUFUTURE. The project aims to develop a strategy based on research and innovation, capable of speeding up the role of industrial transformation in Europe, securing high added value employment and winning a major share of world manufacturing output in the future knowledge –driven economy.


3_2005 FP6 European Commission – HASTAC, Project

Sistem de altimetrie de mare stabilitate pentru transpondere și computere de bord

High stability Altimeter System for Transponders and Air data Computers. The main project objective was to increase the safety in all in-flight situations, particularly low visibility situations, by improving the transducers used in Air Data Computers. The project results are relevant to flying on autopilot in the reduced vertical separation minima of 1000 ft, as well as to demanding manual flying situations in darkness and low visibility.


4_2006 CEEX National Research – CORAL, Project

Filme polimerice în sisteme compozite pentru ecranarea microundelor

Polymer films in composite system used as a means of shielding electromagnetic microwave. The project aims to investigate electromagnetic energy absorbing materials in the microwave range (1–20 GHz) using thin film materials as composites. There are proposed to investigate two types of co-polymers films first within the metal particles (iron carbonyl) dispersed in a polymer matrix and second with the carbon powder (mono-carbon and graphite) dispersed in a polymer matrix.


5_2006 CEEX National Research – RESPLATEPE, Project

Platformă de tehnologie pentru asamblarea electronică

Scientific and ecological network technology platform for electronic packaging. The project aims to develop a scientific and ecological network technology platform destined for complex interdisciplinary research for electronic packaging in accordance with the implementation of the European Directive 2002/95/EC (ROHS) and Government Decision no. 992 of 25.08.2005 on the restriction of use of certain hazardous substances (lead, cadmium, mercury) in electrical and electronic equipment.


6_2007 PN2 National Innovation – MINAPI, Project

Metodă inovativă de generare a nanosuprafețelor 3D fără procedee de mascare

New innovative method of generating maskless 3D nanosurfaces used in industrial applications of high precision. The MINAPI project is focused on combining technologic capabilities about generating maskless nanostructures, based on hundreds of electron spot beams, with a range smaller than 10 nm, technology which works at the same time with nanoprinting technologies for 3D rapid manufacturing on big surfaces (masks/patterns with one plate dimensions) in different materials.


7_2007 PN2 National Innovation – RAPIDTOP, Project

Tehnologie de manufacturare rapidă pentru soluții integrate optic 

Rapid manufacturing technology for optic-integrated solutions, custom oriented, by developing and processing of nanomaterials. The project is developing nanomaterials for industrial needs for optic components with large applicability: LEDs with very thin focus, new generation LED displays, optical communication components, dual core processors optic connected, solutions for laser-on-chip components. Project primary advantage is the safety and the easiness in juggling with different materials, this way (cold powder could be used for the first time, in industrial pilot lines for optic MEMS products).


8_2007 PN2 National Innovation – MAFF, Project

Materiale termoelectrice pentru nanofire utilizate în aplicații medicale

Thermoelectric materials in shape of nanowires for medical applications in micro-thermocouples and micro-coolers. The main objective of this project is the identification, designing and development of new concepts based on rapid manufacturing for thermo electrical devices made from micro nanostructures which will be transferred in a production system (designed in devices for diagnostic and treatment in cardiovascular diseases).


9_2008 PN2 National Innovation – FRAPANT, Project

Manufaturare rapidă de tip microstructurat

Rapid manufacturing of microstructured tip and of interconnection tube used in epi/peridural anesthesia. This project is dedicated to create a new innovative manufacturing technology of microstructured tips used in epi/peridural anesthesia. The special form and 3D structure as the dimensions of these tips allow a smaller risk distinction (incidents and complications) at back anesthesia and regional anesthesia and also reduces the time for recuperation after anesthesia.


10_2008 PN2 National Innovation – INLOC, Project

Tehnologie inovativă pentru micropompe electro-hidro-dinamice

Innovative Technology for electro-hydro-dynamic micropumps (EHD) with applications in Lab-On-Chip systems. This project is known for implementing a flexible and economic efficient technology for developing the rapid manufacturing of Lab on Chip Systems based on electro-hydro-dynamic micro pumps and microfluidic devices intended for rapid control for applications in industrial chemistry, agriculture, pharmaceutical, medium quality control.


11_2008 FP7 European Commission – HISVESTA, Project

Instrumentar de altimetrie pentru separarea verticală de mare stabilitate

High Stability Vertical Separation Altimeter Instruments. The project developed a new generation of altimetry module, suitable for fixed wing and rotary wing applications, which will give altitude accuracy capabilities significantly improved over those currently available today. The strategic objective of the project was to increase the safety in all in-flight situations, particularly low visibility situations, by improving the altimetry transducers used in Air Data Computers for aircraft applications.


12_2008 FP7 European Commission – LIGHT-ROLLS, Project

Platformă de producție cu debit mare pentru componente electroluminescente

High-throughput production platform for the manufacture of light emitting components. Light-Rolls focus on research and development modular based production units for the seamless, high throughput manufacture of micro-structured, polymer based components and Microsystems (European prize).


13_2010 Structural Funds Romania, TapFuture, Project

Platformă standard pentru comunicare în câmp apropiat (NFC)

Standard service platform infrastructure over-the-air dynamically network controlled NFC for wide-range applications. The project focuses on research, development and implementation of the innovative technologies for developing High Added Value NFC related end-user products.


14_2011 FP7 European Commission – FUNTEX, Project

Electronică funcțională pe materiale textile

Functional electronics textiles for smart integration . The goal of this project is to achieve fabrics integrating electronic devices and electronic circuitry into the structure of stretchable fabrics for functional inflatable advertising articles. Such integration leads to an enhancement of functionalities though energy generation systems sensors, for solar power harvesting, lighting modules (LED array or TFEL) and thin film Li-ion batteries for energy storage.


15_2011 FP7 European Commission – SustainHub Project

Nod de sustenabilitate pentru inter-schimbare de date

Sustainability Data Exchange Hub. The project contributes to improved eco efficiency in the global value chain in the electronics and automotive industries. It will provide a systematic and efficient approach to collect sustainability data for products and manufacturing processes through the supply chain and integrate these into the internal systems and processes of the companies.

16_2013 Structural Funds Romania, LuminaLED Project, 

Dezvoltarea unui laborator de cercetare tehnologică pentru LED

(The largest Romanian Private Research Investment Project since 1990). Development of the Technological Research Laboratory of Led lighting (Light Emitting Diode) for the national car industry. This project implies the development of a research laboratory in the field of advanced technology systems LED lighting (Light Emitting Diode) for national car industry, according to the current requirements and future revolutionary developments of lighting systems, that increase the energy efficiency, protects the environment, increase the competitiveness and the high added value of research and production.


17_2014 Horizon – FoF – RIA – LeanOptimal, Proposal

Producție de opto-electronice inteligente prin modulare optimizată

Optimised Modular Opto-Electronics Smart Production 

OPT2PRO offers a modular approach through reconfiguration of process modules and seamless integration of quality control systems, in a production environment where automatic processes run together with manual processes. OPT2PRO is based on the following key innovations: Lean Optimal addresses a critical barrier to manufacturing enterprises and their value chains successfully meeting the challenges arising from ‘the uncertainties of continuously and rapidly-changing market conditions and increasingly shorter time-to-market requirements’. Meeting these challenges requires predicting and managing successfully the increasing levels of internal process, product, and supply and demand variability arising from these market factors. The focus on lean based process optimisation will create an opportunity to optimise the cost, quality and delivery performance and the intended ICT solutions will enable enterprise-wide lean practices to be adopted by an increasing number of small manufacturing enterprises. 


18_2015 Horizon – FoF – IA – IntPlant, Proposal

Conectivitatea viitorului în producția de astăzi

Integrated, Intelligent, Interfaced – Future connectivity in manufacturing today! 

IntPlant unifies the concepts of intelligent, interfaced and interoperable devices & tools as integrated solutions for flexible and easily reconfigurable production systems in a wide range of industrial applications. The vision is to encourage a harmonized and widespread use of a technology that enables a high level of connectivity in manifold application areas, on various production levels and across a wide spectrum of manufacturing sectors. 


19_2015 MANUNET – Sinkular Proposal 

Lanț nou în procesul de producție pentru senzori implantabili

Development of new manufacturing process chain for implantable sensors, based on new printable inks and micro injection moulding encapsulation for intra ocular pressure monitoring.


20_2016 Innovation Norway Funds , GreenCare Project

Ecologizarea zonelor de producție prin folosirea ledurilor și a energiei solare

LED & solar panel for greening the Industry


21_2016 ERA-NET, NOPYDET Project

Dezvoltarea de senzori pirolitici

Developing pyrolytic sensors.


22_2017 Horizon – FoF – IA – PreMAIN, Proposal

Întreținere predictivă de încredere

Dependable Predictive Maintenance and optimized production service platform based on smart self-health monitoring devices and systems 

The PreMAIN project is to ensure the long term sustainability of high value manufacturing assets in Europe and guarantee world-leading productivity of high quality products. European Manufacturing Industry is increasingly relying on complex, highly sophisticated manufacturing assets and complex integrated production systems to deliver premium quality products at competitive costs. Unpredictable manufacturing lead times due to machine downtime and quality variations due to performance degradation of machines are becoming increasingly critical for OEMs operating in a global, highly competitive market 


23_2017 ESA (European Space Agency) – Contract

Asamblare de semiconductoare de tip ASICS, magnetometre și dispozitive de radio-frecvență pentru activități spațiale

Assembling semiconductors for ASICS, Magnetometer and RF devices.


24_2020 ESA – (European Space Agency), DEAR Project

Înlăturarea prafului lunar de pe obiecte optice în spațiul selenar


25_2021 – ENTRUST Project

Water monitoring service using hyperspectral data

We investigate a mixed approach using hyperspectral data from SFO, and complementary conventional satellite data, to evaluate the feasibility and relevance for the end user for accessing regional products on water quality monitoring with high spatial resolution (<10m), high revisit time (daily data), with high spectral resolution (in the range of 400-1000nm), and with high measurement accuracies.


26_2022 ESA – LAMOR Project

Laser Assisted mining of Oxygen from Regolith

This proposal focusses on a systematic/experimental study to use laser pulses for the ablation of Regolith material to extract oxygen. Within our consortium we will perform academic studies, estimations, simulation and a series of parametric experimental studies on the efficiency of pulsed laser ablation (Pulsed Laser Ablation, PLA) for oxygen extraction, as well as the safety feature of the Regolith dissociation process in terms of toxic by-products. Different simulants will be used (TUBS-M, TUBS-T,JSA-1, EAC-1, others) to perform the parametric study of PLA and to identify optimum processing conditions of oxygen production, process effectiveness and collection. Laser ablation is unaffected by gravity and doesn!t have the energy input requirements as Molten salt electrolysis (MSE) or Molten Regolith Electrolysis (MRE) techniques, being possible to be powered by solar panels easily in some cases. 
